My Cheatsheet / Notes

This won't be helpful to others. The Jeykll docs are actually great.

  • jekyll new website # creates a new directory.
  • create new repo (called amplify-website).
  • connect to github repo
  • connect to aws amplify
  • bundle exec jekyll server #creates the _site folder, lets you observe locally, git ignores this.

To add a post, create an html file in "_posts" directory. Run "bundle exec jekyll server" and check your post out locally. If good, add, commit and push to GitHub. Amplify will automatically pick up the changes from GitHub and publish.

  • _layouts folder contains additional pages
  • tag folder contains the view sorted by tags (this folder is auto generated by If you create new tags, you need to re-run that script.
  • html files for additional pages and views use templating languages (I think Jinja) for content injection
  • A link to an internal pages: "{% link _posts/[internal file] % }"